Oct 1982 Lullabies UK 12" EP (4AD, BAD 213): Feathers-Oar-Blades; Alas Dies Laughing; It's All But an Ark Lark. Issued in 1991 on UK CD single (BAD 213 CD). Preview/buy CD at Amazon.
Dec 1982 An Hour of Eloquent Sounds UK cassette (Pleasantly Surprised, PS 001). Cocteau Twins track: Perhaps Some Other Aeon.
Jan 1983 Speak No Evil 7" flexidisc (SHOL-3353): Speak No Evil. Note: Free with Vinyl Magazine #21, January 1983.
Mar 1983 Peppermint Pig UK 7" single (4AD, AD 303): Peppermint Pig (7" version); Laughlines. UK 12" single (BAD 303): Peppermint Pig (12" version); Laughlines; Hazel. Issued in 1991 on UK CD single (BAD 303 CD):Peppermint Pig (7" version); Peppermint Pig (12" version); Laughlines; Hazel. Preview/buy CD single on
Aug 1983 Head Over Heels UK LP (4AD, CAD 313), cassette (CAD C 313): When Mama Was Moth; Five Ten Fiftyfold; Sugar Hiccup; In Our Angelhood; Glass Candle Grenades; In the Gold Dust Rush; The Tinderbox (Of a Heart); Multifoiled; My Love Paramour; Musette and Drums. Issued in 1993 on US cassette (Capitol, CDP 7 96416 4), CD (CDP 7 96416 2). Issued in 1983 on UK CD (CAD 313 CD) with bonus tracks: Sugar Hiccup (single version); From the Flagstones; Hitherto; Because of Whirl-Jack. Preview/buy CD at Amazon.
1983 Sugar Hiccup UK promotional 7" single (4AD, AD 314): Sugar Hiccup (single version).
Sep 1983 Sunburst and Snowblind UK 12" EP (4AD, BAD 314): Sugar Hiccup (single version); From the Flagstones; Hitherto; Because of Whirl-Jack. Issued in 1991 on UK CD (BAD 314 CD). Preview/buy CD single at Amazon.
1984 State of Affairs UK cassette (Pleasantly Surprised, PS 003). Cocteau Twins track: In Our Angelhood (Demo Version).
1984 Dreams and Desires UK cassette (Pleasantly Surprised, PS 006). Cocteau Twins track: Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops (Demo).
Apr 1984 Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops UK 7" single (4AD, AD 405): Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops (7" version); Pepper Tree. Preview/buy 7" at Amazon.
Apr 1984 The Spangle-Maker UK 12" EP (4AD, BAD 405): The Spangle Maker; Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops (12" version); Pepper Tree. Issued in 1991 on UK CD (BAD 405 CD): The Spangle Maker; Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops (12" version); Pepper Tree; Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops (7" version). Preview/buy EP at Amazon.
Oct 1984 Treasure UK LP (4AD, CAD 412), UK cassette (CAD C 412), UK CD (CAD 412): Ivo; Lorelei; Beatrix; Persephone; Pandora (for Cindy); Amelia; Aloysius; Cicely; Otterley; Donimo. Issued in 1993 on US cassette (Capitol, CDP 7 96418 4), CD (CDP 7 96418 2). Preview/buy CD at Amazon.
1985 Document: Pleasantly Surprised 82-85 UK cassette compilation (Pleasantly Surprised, PS 012). Cocteau Twins tracks: Perhaps Some Other Aeon; In Our Angelhood (Demo).
Mar 1985 Aikea-Guinea UK 7" single (4AD, AD 501): Aikea-Guinea; Kookaburra. UK 12" EP (BAD 501): Aikea-Guinea; Kookaburra; Quisqouse; Rococo. EP issued in 1991 on UK CD (BAD 501 CD). Preview/buy 7" single at Amazon,
12" at Amazon
, CD at Amazon
Nov 1985 The Pink Opaque collection UK CD (4AD, CAD 513), US LP (Relativity EMC 8040), US CD (Relativity, EMCD 8040): Wax and Wane (remix); The Spangle Maker; Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops; Pepper Tree; Musette and Drums; Hitherto; From the Flagstones; Millimillenary; Lorelei; Aikea-Guinea. Preview/buy LP/CD at Amazon.
Oct 1985 Tiny Dynamine UK 12" EP (4AD, BAD 510): Pink Orange Red; Ribbed and Veined; Plain Tiger; Sultitan Itan. Issued in 1991 on UK CD (BAD 510 CD). Preview/buy 12" at Amazon.
Oct 1985 Echoes in a Shallow Bay UK 12" EP (4AD, BAD 511): Great Spangled Fritillary; Melonella; Pale Clouded White; Eggs and Their Shells. Issued in 1991 on UK CD (BAD 511 CD). Preview/buy 12" at Amazon, CD at Amazon
Oct 1985 Tiny Dynamine/Echoes in a Shallow Bay Canadian double 12" EP (Vertigo, COCT6/7), UK CD (4AD, BAD 510/511 CD): Pink Orange Red; Ribbed and Veined; Plain Tiger; Sultitan Itan; Great Spangled Fritillary; Melonella; Pale Clouded White; Eggs and Their Shells. Preview/buy CD at Amazon.
Apr 1986 Victorialand UK LP (4AD, CAD 602), cassette (CAD C 602), CD (602 CD): Lazy Calm; Fuffy Tufts; Throughout the Dark Months of April and May; Whales Tails; Oomingmak; Little Spacey; Feet-like Fins; How to Bring a Blush to the Snow; The Thinner the Air. Issued in 1993 in US on cassette (Capitol, CDP 7 96417 4), CD (CDP 7 96417 2). Preview/buy LP at Amazon, CD at Amazon
Nov 1986 Love's Easy Tears UK 7" single (4AD, AD 610): Love's Easy Tears; Those Eyes That Mouth. UK 12" single (BAD 610): Love's Easy Tears; Those Eyes That Mouth; Sigh's Smell of Farewell. UK CD EP (BAD 610 CD): Love's Easy Tears; Those Eyes That Mouth; Sigh's Smell of Farewell; Orange Appled. EP issued in 1986 on US 12" (Relativity, 88561 8141 1), cassette (88561 8141 4), CD single (88561 8141 2). Preview/buy 7" on Amazon, 12" on Amzon
, CD at Amazon
Harold Budd/Simon Raymonde/Robin Guthrie/Elizabeth Fraser
1986 The Moon and the Melodies UK LP (4AD, CAD 611), cassette (CAD C 611), CD (CAD 611 CD): Sea Swallow Me; Memory Gongs; Why Do You Love Me?; Eyes Are Mosaics; She Will Destroy You; The Ghost Has No Home; Bloody and Blunt; Ooze Out and Away Onehow. Preview/buy LP/CD at Amazon.
Jun 1987 Lonely is an Eyesore compilation (4AD, CAD 703). Cocteau Twins track: Crushed. Preview/buy LP/CD at Amazon.
Oct 1988 Blue Bell Knoll UK LP (4AD, CAD 807), cassette (CAD C 807 C), CD (CAD 807 CD), DAT (CAD T 807): Blue Bell Knoll; Athol-Brose; Carolyn's Fingers; For Phoebe Still a Baby; The Itchy Glowbo Blow; Cico Buff; Suckling the Mender; Spooning Good Singing Gum; A Kissed Out Red Floatboat; Ella Megalast Burls Forever. Issued in 1988 in US as LP (Capitol, CDP 7 90892 1)/cassette (CDP 7 90892 4)/CD (CDP 7 90892 2). Preview/buy LP/CD at Amazon, 180g vinyl/MP3 at
1988 Carolyn's Fingers US promotional 7" single (Capitol, 7PRO-79477): Carolyn's Fingers. US promotional 12" single (SPRO-7940)/CD single (DPRO-79405): Carolyn's Fingers; Ella Megalast Burls Forever. Preview/buy 12" at Amazon.
1988 A Kissed Out Red Floatboat US promotional 12" single (Capitol, SPRO-79512): A Kissed Out Red Floatboat.
Aug 1990 Iceblink Luck UK 7" single (4AD, AD 0011), cassette single (AD C 0011): Iceblink Luck; Mizake the Mizan. UK 12"(BAD 0011)/cassette (BAD C 0011), CD single (BAD 0011 CD): Iceblink Luck; Mizake the Mizan; Watchlar. Issued in 1990 in US as 12" single (Capitol 1JM 44618), cassette (4JM 44618). Preview/buy CD single on Amazon.
Aug 1990 Heaven or Las Vegas UK LP (4AD, CAD 0012)/cassette (CAD C 0012)/CD (CAD 0012 CD): Cherry-Coloured Funk; Pitch the Baby; Iceblink Luck; Fifty-Fifty Clown; Heaven or Las Vegas; I Wear Your Ring; Fotzepolitic; Wolf in the Breast; Road, River and Rail; Frou-Frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires. Issued in 1990 in US as LP (Capitol CDP 7 93669 1)/cassette (CDP 7 93669 4)/CD (CDP 7 93669 2). Preview/buy CD at Amazon, 180g vinyl/MP3 at Amazon
Oct 1990 Heaven or Las Vegas US promotional sticker 12" single (Capitol, SPRO-79415, 79427)/promo picture sleeve US 12" single (SPRO-79415, 79427)/promo sticker US CD single (DPRO-79291A)/promo picture US CD single (DPRO-79291): Heaven or Las Vegas (edit); Dials; Heaven or Las Vegas.
Oct 1990 Red Tape promotional cassette compilation: Cocteau Twins track: Pitch the Baby (Alternative Version). Note: Free cassette included with the October 1990 issue of Select magazine.
1990 I Wear Your Ring US promotional 12" single (Capitol, SPRO-79564)/CD single (DPRO-79498): I Wear Your Ring.
1992 Lilliput promotional UK double CD compilation/book (4AD, UNV 1). Cocteau Twins track: The Spangle Maker.
Nov 1991 Cocteau Twins UK singles box set (4AD, CT BOX 1), US box set (Capitol 15788): Lullabies (BAD 213 CD), Peppermint Pig (BAD 303 CD), Sunburst and Snowblind (BAD 314 CD), The Spangle-Maker (BAD 405 CD), Aikea-Guinea (BAD 501 CD), Tiny Dynamine (BAD 511 CD), Echoes in a Shallow Bay (BAD 512 CD), Love's Easy Tears (BAD 610 CD), Iceblink Luck (BAD 0011 CD), + Cocteau Twins (CT 1 CD): Dials; Crushed; High Monkey Monk; Oomingmak (instrumental). Preview/buy 10 CD singles box at Amazon
1992 Volume 5 UK compilation CD/book (Volume, V05CD). Cocteau Twins track: Frosty the Snowman. Preview/buy CD/book on Amazon.
Jun 1992 Peace Together compilation UK LP (Island, ILPS 8018), cassette (ICT8018), CD (CID8018). Cocteau Twins-related track: Be Still by Peace Together (Robin Guthrie Remix featuring Elizabeth Fraser). Also issued in US on CD (Island, 314-518 063-2). Preview/buy CD on Amazon.
Sep 1993 Evangeline UK limited 7" single (Fontana/Phonogram, CT 1): Evangeline; Mud and Dark. Limited UK 12" single (CTX 1)/UK CD single (CTCD1): Evangeline; Mud and Dark; Summer-blink. Preview 7" single on Amazon, CD single on Amazon
Nov 1993 Four Calendar Cafe UK LP (Fontana/Phonogram, 518 259-1), cassette (518 259-4), CD (518 259-2): Know Who You Are at Every Age; Evangeline; Bluebeard; Theft, and Wandering Around Lost; Oil of Angels; Squeeze-Wax; My Truth; Essence; Summerhead; Pur. Issued in US as cassette (Capitol, 99375-4)/CD (CDP 99375-2). Preview LP/CD on Amazon.
Dec 1993 Snow UK limited CD single (Fontana/Phonogram, COCCD1): Winter Wonderland; Frosty the Snowman. Preview/buy CD single on Amazon.
1993 Summerhead UK promotional CD single (Fontana, CTDJ 3): Summerhead.
1993 Athol-Brose Japanese CD single (4AD, COCY-5179): Athol-Brose; Carolyn's Fingers; Ice Blink Luck.
Feb 1994 Bluebeard UK limited 7" single (Fontana/Phonogram, CT2): Bluebeard; Three Swept. UK limited gatefold 12" single (CTX2): Bluebeard; Three Swept; Ice-pulse. UK CD single (Fontana/Phonogram CTCD2): Bluebeard; Three Swept; Ice-pulse; Bluebeard (Acoustic). Issued in US as CD single (Capitol, 858 078-2). Preview/buy 7" single on Amazon, 12" on Amazon
, CD single on Amazon
Sep 1995 Twinlights UK double 7" single (Fontana, CT 3), CD single (CTCD3): Rilkean Heart; Golden-Vein; Pink Orange Red; Half-Gifts. Issued in US as CD single (Capitol CDP 7243 8 30548 2 4). Preview/buy double 7" single on Amazon, CD on Amazon
Oct 1995 Otherness UK 12" EP (Fontana, CTX 4), CD single (CTCD 4): Feet-Like Fins; Seekers Who Are Lovers; Violaine; Cherry-Coloured Funk. Issued in US as CD single (Capitol, CDP 7243 8 36240 2 7). Preview/buy CD on Amazon.
Nov 1995 Volume 15 UK compilation 2-CD/book (Volume, V17CD17) Cocteau Twins track: Circling Girl. Preview/buy book/2-CD set on Amazon.
Mar 1996 Milk & Kisses UK LP (Fontana, 514 501-1)/CD (514 501-2): Violaine; Serpentskirt; Tishbite; Half-Gifts; Calfskin Smack; Rilkean Heart; Ups; Eperdu; Treasure Hiding; Seekers Who Are Lovers. Issued in US as cassette (Capitol, C4 7243 8 37049 4 1)/CD (CDP 7243 8 37049 2 7). Issued in Hong Kong on CD (7314 5323182 5) with Faye Wong's vocals on ÒSerpentskirt." Preview/buy LP/CD on Amazon.
Cocteau Twins featuring Faye Wong
1996 Serpentskirt UK promotional CD single (Fontana): Serpentskirt.
Mar 1996 Tishbite UK CD single #1 [yellow] (Fontana, CTCD5): Tishbite; Primitive Heart; Flock of Soul. UK CD single #2 [blue] (CTDD5) : Tishbite; Round; An Elan.
Preview/buy Tishbite 1 CD (yellow) on Amazon, Tishbite 2 CD (blue) on Amazon
Mar 1996 Tishbite (Bite Sized Version) UK promotional CD single [red] (Fontana, TISH 1): Tishbite (Bite-Sized Version). UK promotional CD single [blue] (TISH 1): Tishbite (Bite Sized Version).
Oct 1996 Violaine UK 12" single (Fontana, CTX 6), CD single #1 [purple] (CTCD 6): Violaine; Smile; Tranquil Eye. UK CD single #2 [green] (CTDD 6): Violaine; Circling Girl; Alice.
1996 Volume 17 UK compilation 2-CD/book (Volume, V17CD17) Cocteau Twins track: Touch Upon Touch. Preview/buy book/2-CD set on Amazon.
Oct 1999 BBC Sessions UK 2-CD collection (Bella Union, BELLACD14). John Peel, 15th July 1982: Wax and Wane; Garlands; Alas Dies Laughing; Feathers-Oar-Blades. John Peel, 31st January 1983: Hearsay Please; Dear Heart; Blind Dumb Deaf; Hazel. John Peel, 4th October 1983: The Tinderbox (Of a Heart); Strange Fruit; Hitherto; From the Flagstones. Kid Jensen, 10th October 1983: Sugar Hiccup; In Our Angelhood; My Hue and Cry; Musette and Drums. Saturday Night Live, 3rd December 1983: Hitherto; From the Flagstones; Musette and Drums. John Peel, 5th September 1984: Pepper-Tree; Beatrix; Ivo; Otterley. Mark Radcliffe, 12th March 1996: Serpentskirt; Golden-Vein; Half-Gifts; Seekers Who Are Lovers. Robert Elms, GLR, 10th April 1996: Calfskin-Smack; Fifty-Fifty Clown; Violaine. Issued in US in 1999 (Rykodisc/Bella Union RCD 10497). Preview/buy 2-CD set on
Oct 2000 Stars and Topsoil: A Collection (1982-1990) UK CD collection (4AD, CAD 2K19): Blind Dumb Deaf; Sugar Hiccup; My Love Paramour; Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops; Lorelei; Pandora; Aikea-Guinea; Pink Orange Red; Pale Clouded White; Lazy Calm; The Thinner the Air; Orange Appled; Cico Buff; Carolyn's Fingers; Fifty-Fifty Clown; Iceblink Luck; Heaven or Las Vegas; Watchlar. Preview/buy CD on Amazon.
Nov 2005 Lullabies to Violaine: Singles and Extended Plays 1982-1996 UK 4 CD box set (4AD, CTBOX 2): Feathers-Oar-Blades; Alas Dies Laughing; It's All But an Ark Lark; Peppermint Pig (7" version); Laugh Lines; Hazel; Sugar Hiccup (12" version); From the Flagstones; Hitherto; Because of Whirl-Jack; The Spangle Maker; Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops (Alternate Version); Pepper-Tree; Aikea-Guinea (Alternate Version); Kookaburra; Quisquose; Rococo. Disc 2: Pink Orange Red; Ribbed and Veined; Plain Tiger; Sultitan Itan; Great Spangled Fritillary; Melonella; Pale Couded White; Eggs and Their Shells; Love's Easy Tears; Those Eyes, That Mouth; Sigh's Smell of Farewell; Orange Appled; Iceblink Luck; Mizake the Mizan; Watchlar. Disc 3: Evangeline; Mud and Dark; Summer-Blink; Winter Wonderland; Frosty the Snowman; Bluebeard; Three-Swept; Ice-Pulse; Bluebeard (Acoustic Version); Rilkean Heart (Acoustic version); Golden-Vein; Pink Orange Red (Acoustic version); Half-Gifts (Acoustic Version). Disc 4: Feet-Like Fins (Ambient Remix); Seekers Who Are Lovers (Ambient Remix); Violaine (Ambient Remix); Cherry-Coloured Funk (Ambient Remix); Tishbite (Edit); Primitive Heart; Flock of Soul; Round; An Elan; Violaine; Smile; Tranquil Eye; Circling Girl; Alice. Also issued as a 2-volume UK digipack edition: DAD 2513CD/DAD 2514CD. Buy 4-CD box set on Amazon.
2005 Lullabies to Violaine: Singles and Extended Plays 1982-1996 promotional US CD sampler: Peppermint Pig [7" Version]; Sugar Hiccup [12" Version]; Pearly Dewdrops' Drops; Aikea-Guinea [alternate version]; Pink Orange Red; Love's Easy Tears; Iceblink Luck; Evangeline; Bluebeard; Golden-Vein [acoustic version]; Tishbite; Violaine.
Jun 2010 Cocteau Twins limited UK 5 LP box set (4AD/Vinyl 180, VIN180LP024). Included the following limited release LPs: Head Over Heels/Sunburst and Snowblind (Vinyl 180, VIN180LP009), Head Over Heels (Vinyl 180, VIN180LP010), Garlands (Vinyl 180, VIN180LP012), Treasure (Vinyl 180, VIN180LP018). Preview/buy box set on Amazon.
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